07939 027645
Regular production of management accounts:
Rather than a set of accounts just once a year, you receive a fully reconciled set of accounts each month or each quarter, with a report pack containing your Profit & Loss account, Balance Sheet, Aged Debtors & Creditors, Cashflow Summary and an Executive Summary giving you the top-level information. We can also add in any further reports required (budget analysis, departmental reporting etc). Alongside the report pack, the main value we add is our analysis and commentary on the monthly or quarterly performance, as your external trusted advisers.
Annual Budget and quarterly forecast preparation:
We’ll create, manage and update a 12 month 3 way budget and/or forecast of profit & loss, cashflow and the balance sheet so you know what the future financial performance and position of the business looks like for the next financial year, based on what we already know today (committed and forecast sales and costs). This is about bringing the future into the present so you can do something about it.